Thursday, December 16, 2010

Orðið er Scal

"Scal said something good before the game, saying that great players find a way to play through things. 

He mentioned Kobe, saying his finger and all of that. 

That gave me something to think about knowing that there's no point in playing this game if you're not trying to be the best. 

In being the best, you've got to fight through injuries, at least play. 

My teammates had my back tonight." 

- Derrick Rose

Brian Scalabrine hefur séð þetta allt saman og deilir nú reynslu sinni með ungu leikmönnunum í liði Chicago Bulls.

Þetta er sannarlega til fyrirmyndar.

Og þessi færsla er bara svona löng svo að textinn flútti nokkurn veginn við myndina. Þið þekkið þetta.