Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Nelson er með þetta þó hann sé á Maui
Uppáhalds þjálfari síðunnar Don Nelson tjáði sig heldur hressilega í útvarpsviðtali á einhverri lókalstöðinni í gær.
Þú nennir ekki að hlusta á viðtalið frekar en við, en eins og nútímablaðamanna er siður höfum við ákveðið að birta hér nokkra sniðuga punkta úr viðtalinu á frummálinu.
Fyrst var hann spurður af hverju hann hefði verið látinn fara frá Warriors á sínum tíma.
“I got fired when I asked him to (shoot underhanded),” Nelson said, and there was no follow-up question. Nelson maintained that he had Rick Barry lined up to instruct Biedrins.
In Nelson’s estimation, point guard Stephen Curry has taken a step back from his rookie season, and guard Monta Ellis didn’t want to accept the responsibilities of a point guard but is playing more like one than in his previous five seasons.
“I’m not planning to (coach anymore),” said Nelson, 70. “I love Maui. … I’m torn a little bit. I’ve had a couple of feelers already, just to check me out and see how I’m feeling. I don’t think that I will (coach again), but you never say, ‘never.’ “
Fleiri punktar:
– “I made the dumbest trade in my history when I traded (Mitch Richmond) for BillyOwens.”
– “I begged the (ownership) to keep Chris Webber and let me go … and I could have been in San Antonio and had Tim Duncan.”
– “I thought we should trade Patrick Ewing and whoever else it took to get Shaq (O’Neal, when Nelson was coach) in New York. The next day, someone told Patrick Ewing, and that was the end of my career there.”
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